Death comes unbidden to all. But while for some privileged ones it is an abstraction that one encounters in an old age, for many, especially in a country like ours, it comes early and leaves behind painful consequences
Apr 8, 2017- We are raising a new Nepal from the ashes and bones of our dead, young people. If you don’t believe in what I am saying, go and see the layers of the country’s newly-built foundation. The first layer is made up of those who died during the Maoist insurgency. They were young boys and girls from villages who had been brainwashed into carrying arms and killing others. They were low-ranking, meagerly paid, ill-treated and ill-equipped police and military personnel who were, in most of the cases, just obeying orders from above. They were innocent civilians, mostly peasants, who were caught between the army and the insurgents.
On top of this layer, if you examine closely, you will see the remains of the Madheshis and janajatis who died, or were killed, during various movements demanding equal rights and opportunity. And finally, on the top of them all, you will see the scattered remains of those who left this country to work abroad hoping to bring an end to the poverty and hardships they had been facing for so long.
On top of this layer, if you examine closely, you will see the remains of the Madheshis and janajatis who died, or were killed, during various movements demanding equal rights and opportunity. And finally, on the top of them all, you will see the scattered remains of those who left this country to work abroad hoping to bring an end to the poverty and hardships they had been facing for so long.